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05/18/17 - Sunú film screening

Film Screening: Sunú - Thursday, May 18 at 7pm
Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art, and Politics presents
an Occupy Sonoma County screening of Sunú

A documentary film about one of the world's greatest treasures
SUNÚ reveals how maize and everything it gives life to could be lost forever.
The film shares a generous tapestry of simple, heartfelt messages for the farmers of the world.
(Spanish with English Subtitles)

Admission is FREE (Donations are Appreciated)
Pay-What-You-Can Plant Sale  •  Free Seed Exchange (bring your extra seeds to share)

when: Thursday, May 18  •  7 - 9pm
where: Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art, and Politics  •  99 W. 6th St., Santa Rosa 95401    map

film trailer  •  half-color flyer  •  qtr-color flyer  •  map  •  contact us  •  phone: 707-877-6650

SUNU - A documentary film about one of the world's greatest treasures from Sunú on Vimeo.

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