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03/26/18 Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability

Solapas principales

KBBF presents an Occupy Sonoma County Teach-in: Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability

Mon, March 26 at 7PM

While healthy food can be prohibitively expensive, unhealthy food costs us even more in the long term with health costs and shorter lives. There is an answer to this dilemma: learn how to grow organic foods in your backyard year-round in healthy soils free from petrochemicals. Everyone is welcome to this free event. Free seed exchange - bring your extra seeds to share.

Presenter Jonathan Bravo has been dedicated to the field of education and involved in community action for many years. Currently he works at Bayer Farm, where he can express part of his life philosophy, 'what you seed you will harvest.' 

Free / Donations requested

Carpenters' Union Hall,  1706 Corby Ave, Santa Rosa 95407

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Occupy Sonoma County                                       


KBBF Presents An Occupy Sonoma County Teach-in:

Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability

Monday, March 26, 7-9 PM
Free with Donations Welcome
Carpenters' Union Hall, 1706 Corby Ave, Santa Rosa 95407

Contact: 707-877-6650

Graphic images are available on request.

This press release is also available in Spanish.


Urban Farming & Backyard Sustainability Teach-In, Mon. March 26 at 7 PM, 1706 Corby Ave., Santa Rosa

            Healthy, organic food choices may cost more in the short term.  Unhealthy foods cost even more in the long term with health costs and shorter lives.  Some parts of town have few options when it comes to buying healthy food.  When people cross town to go to healthier alternatives they often find the prices prohibitively high.  There is an answer to this dilemma.

            On March 26, KBBF-FM will present an Occupy Sonoma County teach-in on Urban Farming and Backyard Sustainability.  This free teach-in will be held at the Carpenters’ Union Hall, 1706 Corby Ave. in Santa Rosa.  It will run from 7-9 PM and feature the expertise of Jonathan Bravo of LandPaths.  He’ll show people how to grow organic foods in their backyards, how to build healthy soil that is petrochemical free, year-round gardening and more.  Everyone is welcome. 

            Bayer Farms, located in the Roseland neighborhood at 1550 West Ave. in Santa Rosa, is one of two gardens coordinated by LandPaths.  These two acres, part of the larger Bayer Neighborhood Park and Gardens, has a small instructional garden and many family garden plots.  “Bayer Farms proudly serves 64 Roseland Families and surrounding neighborhoods,” says Jonathan Bravo of LandPaths.  They have a bookmobile to share community education, as well as gardening space, fruit trees, penned areas for chickens and other fowl, on-going compost experimentation and a street-side table where they give away food to the neighborhood.  That's the key to their success.  Bayer Farms is a neighborhood farm.  The focus is on healthy foods including medicinal herbs.  “The day I was there they had a display with blood pressure information and examples of the portions of salt found in various popular foods.  The place hummed with positive energy and exciting potential,” says Rebel Fagin of Occupy Sonoma County.

            Come to the Carpenters' Union Hall on March 26 at 7 PM to learn about Urban Farming and Backyard Sustainability.  There will be a Pay-What-You-Can Plant Sale and Free Seed Exchange, so bring your extra seeds to share.  For more information about this event go to or call 707-877-6650.  You can learn more at and


Contact: 707-877-6650 to arrange an interview.

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