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OSC GMO Campaign Meeting Notes - 9/28/15 (Public Version)

OSC GMO Campaign Meeting Notes
Monday, September 28, 2015
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Peace & Justice Center

Meeting started at 7:15 PM

8 people participated including 2 by telephone
Reports Back

  1. ​Networked​ at the Progressive Festival and promoted upcoming teach-in about Body Suppression. Worked on materials to be translated into Spanish for website. Reported hearing that SIMILAC is changing its formula to non GMO ingredients. = BIG news!
  2. Works when able.
  3. Worked on fliers for Body Oppression. Posted past 15 OSC-GMO events on web site. (Actually quite impressive!) Noted that raised bed boxes ads need to be on our own web site rather than Craig’s List.
  4.  Talked to a few people about bilingual program and got some ideas on locations for flyer posting and locations for programs. Continues to post GMO actions and info on our web site. Did several radio interviews on GMOs and the Bilingual program. ​2 on ​KBBF​ and one on ​KOWS.
  5. Attended Progressive Festival. Discovered that 22-pound paper works best for flyers because there is no bleed thru and it is available at Office Depot for $3 a ream.
  6. Happy about bilingual program. Did GMO interview on KRCB. Interviewed on KWMR and interview on KBBF. Continues to work  on thwarting the TPP.
  7.  Has done some bilingual publicity and made numerous media contacts.
  8. Working on November 16 GMO labeling initiative. ​W​ork on the format of the signature gathering petitions for the November 2016 GMO Initiative to meet the legal requirements. Also​ ​extended an invitation to OSC-GMO to attend the October 15, 2015 Campaign Kickoff Celebration to be held at the Petaluma Seed Bank, 199 Petaluma Blvd., North from 6 to 8:30 pm. [Suggested donation $35 per person, $50 per couple, $15 students, low income]


We were pleased with our efforts and believe we did the right things, but we have some ideas to improve the next bilingual program. We will include more known shopping locations like Dollar Tree, Lola’s, Churches, Kaiser, Petaluma UUs, neighbors, and Graton Day Labor.
Also​ ​suggested that we have samples of packaged LABELED non GMO foods and possibly samples.. 

T​he next MAM won’t be held on Memorial Day week-end but rather the preceding weekend, May 21, 2016 suggested that we start working on it now. We need to divide the tasks. Start thinking about what task you can and will do.

​N​eed to gather 538,000 signatures for the GMO ballot initiative. Also, the signature gatherers require training. ​R​equest for campaign volunteers via our GMO List Serve.

Next GMO Meeting: October 26, 2015 at 7 pm

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing county-wide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.

Meeting date: 
Lunes, Septiembre 28, 2015
Short Title: 
OSC GMO Campaign Meeting Notes - 9/28/15 (Public Version)
Meeting Type: 

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