Past Events

05/23/2015 - March Against Monsanto

March Against Monsanto - May 23, 2015

English & Spanish Flyers (2-pages):  full-color  half-color  quarter-color  /  full-b&w   half-b&w   quarter-b&w
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11/03/14 - GMO OMG Film Showing

OSC GMO OMG Movie Showing

OSC Invites you to a FREE screening of the 2014 Film


Monday, November 3,
7-9 PM

Unitarian Universalist Congregation
547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa

co-sponsored by
Food & Water Watch

06/30/14 - OSC Internal Teach-In: Media Skills For Activists (Guests Welcome)

Occupy Sonoma County ​​ Internal Teach-In ​ Media Skills For Activists: How to write a press release and a public service announcement *All OSC people are requested to attend* Non-OSC ​g​uests are invited See registration details below Monday, ​June 30​, ​7:0​0-9:00 PM. ​Peace and Justice Center​ ​467 Sebastopol Ave​., Santa Rosa (​Off of Santa Rosa Ave.

05/26/14 - Global Event Against Monsanto

Global Event Against Monsanto image

3PM - GMO Film & Tipping Point Discussion
Activities for Kids

5PM - Potluck & Barn Dance
Bring your dancing shoes!

Pay-what-you-can Plant Sale Fundraiser
Donations Requested

Location: Sebastopol Grange - 6000 Sebastopol Ave. in Sebastopol

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04/14/14 - Getting Past Capitalism Event

OSC Free School Teach-in: Getting Past Capitalism 4/14/14 6 PM - Environmental Center of Sonoma County, Santa Rosa

Author and Professor
Dr. Cynthia Kaufman
will discuss her new book,
Getting Past Capitalism [2012]
Monday, April 14, 2014 6 PM
Potluck, discussion, & plant sale fundraiser
Environmental Center of Sonoma County
55 Ridgway Ave., Santa Rosa 95401

Donations Requested
Hosted by Occupy Sonoma County

Cynthia Kaufman is the director of the Institute of Community and Civic Engagement at De Anza College, where she also teaches philosophy. She is the author of Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change...more

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02/24/14 - Free School Teach-In

OSC Free School Teach-in: Eating for Health - 2/24/14 7-9 PM - Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa

Monday, February 24, 7-9 PM
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa

A special teach-in from a pioneer in the holistic health, nutrition and culinary arts field.

Dr. Ed Bauman will help us sort through current fads and myths in the food market place. Learn how to discern real food from food products, read food labels and avoid GMOs. Take away tips and tools to raise your food IQ on how to source, prepare and eat flavorful, health supportive S.O.U.L. (seasonal, organic, unprocessed and local) foods. Change your foods, boost your health, change your life!

Presenter: Dr. Ed Bauman
Founder and President of Bauman College:
Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts

11/25/13 - GMO Teach-In


547 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Discussion instigator: Daniel Solnit
political organizer and former campaign manager for GE-Free Sonoma

Focus: defeats of recent GMO labeling initiatives; Dollarocracy and Corporate control of our food supply, strategies for stopping GMOs, next steps for our movement.

Pick up a GMO Free Shopping Guide, Taste some GMO Free Snacks and take home your very own Winter Seed Bombs to plant.

map    flyers 
sponsored by Occupy Sonoma County and Label GMO's Sonoma County

10/12/13 - March Against Monsanto in Santa Rosa

March Against GMO's, Roundup & Corporate Power!

SATURDAY, October 12, 2013

2 PM at Santa Rosa City Hall
100 Santa Rosa Ave

Permitted march through the community. Rally and more back at City Hall.
Co-sponsored by Occupy Sonoma County and the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County
email: | download flyer | download handbill

08/12/13 - Basic Media Skills Training

Internal Teach-In for Activists

Basic Media Skills Training

  • How to write a press release and public service announcement
  • How to organize a media campaign
  • Simple interview skills and talking points

Monday, August 12, 6:30-9:00 PM
This training will be lead by Peter Phillips, Ph.D

at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation
, 547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa

Simple Supper Provided
Please arrive at 6:30 for supper and socializing to begin the training promptly at 7:00

*All OSC people are requested to attend*
Non-OSC Guests are invited - See registration details

06/03/13 - Meeting Facilitation Training

Everyone in Occupy Sonoma County (OSC) is requested to attend this June 3 training event. The training is part of our internal skill-sharing to equalize power in the group and train everyone in basic activism skills.  Please plan to attend. 

Cost: currently the proposal is to offer the training for free to all OSC people (anyone who has ever attended an OSC meeting is considered part of OSC). Anyone not in the OSC is asked make a voluntary donation of $5 to $20 to help cover the expenses of the trainers who will be traveling here from Oakland.


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