Mensaje de error

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06/03/13 - Meeting Facilitation Training

Solapas principales

Everyone in Occupy Sonoma County (OSC) is requested to attend this June 3 training event. The training is part of our internal skill-sharing to equalize power in the group and train everyone in basic activism skills.  Please plan to attend. 

Cost: currently the proposal is to offer the training for free to all OSC people (anyone who has ever attended an OSC meeting is considered part of OSC). Anyone not in the OSC is asked make a voluntary donation of $5 to $20 to help cover the expenses of the trainers who will be traveling here from Oakland.

Registration: Anyone not in the OSC is asked to register for this event in advance. We plan to limit the class size to approximately 10 people.

Please arrive by 6:45 PM so we can start on-time at 7 PM.


Event Type: 

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